Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008 Welcome!!

Welcome to my blog page! Glad you could visit. This is the first time I've had a blogspot, and hope to be able to keep it up with all the goings on in my life as they happen. I will eventually post some of my artwork. I am an avid reader, artist, and I am also a Mom. Of course, the Mom thing is the most rewarding (and sometimes the most frustrating) but now the the kiddies are getting older, I've begun to re-discover the things that used to define ME as ME. Painting is quite alot of fun, as is drawing, and doing crafty things. I like to crochet, but haven't learned a whole lot about that yet. I continue to learn as I go. My greatest passions are painting and reading.

Thanks for stopping in. Enjoy!
